Gordon Freeman Lab Coat

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Lab coats for men

  1. Freeman's Mind is a Half-Life machinima made by Ross Scott, who is also the creator of Civil Protection. It is more or less an in character let's play of Half-Life, featuring the thoughts of the character Gordon Freeman (played by Ross), the protagonist of Half-Life. The series has been well received, all videos having high ratings on YouTube, and each episode obtaining at least 300,000 views.
  2. Here's the Gordon Freeman model from Half-Life 2: Survivor, a Japan-only arcade version of Half-Life 2. I did what I could to fix and enhance this to more modern standards as the original was plagued with issues. FEATURES: - Full face, eye, and finger posing. Numerous rigging and mesh fixes from the original mesh. Including fixed IK chains.

Gordon freeman in scientist labcoat. I know this idea has been done several times, but this is the original skin, this skin dates from 1999 and has a portrait and a readme Original Readme August 24, 1999 Dr. Freeman 2D/3D artist: Freon (Fabien Cortina)- danoux@wanadoo.fr Gordon Freeman in it's lab-coat.

Half-Life: Full-life Consequences

John Freeman who was Gordon Freemansbrother was one day in an office typing on a computer. He got anemail from his brother that said that aliens and monsters wereattacking his place and aksed him for help so he went.

John Freeman got his computer shutdown and wet on the platform to go up to the roof of the buildingwhere he left his motorcycle and normal people close because he wasin his office lab coat. John Freeman got on his motorcycl and said'its time for me to live up to my family name and face full lifeconsequences' so he had to go.

John Freeman ramped off the buildingand did a backflip and landed. He kept driving down the road and madesure there was no zombies around because he ddint have weapon.

The contrysides were nice and theplants were singing and the birds and the sun was almost down fromthe top of the sky. the mood was set for John Freemans quest to helphis brother where he was. John Freeman looked around the countrysidesand said 'its a good day to do what has to be done by me andhelp my brother to defeat the enemys'.

John Freeman was late so he had todrive really fast. A cop car was hiden near by so when John Freemanwent by the cops came and wanted to give him a ticket. Here JohnFreeman saw the first monster because the cop was posessed and hadheadcrabs.

'I cant give you my lisenseofficer' John Freeman said

Gordon Freeman Lab CoatGordon

'Why not?' said the headcraboficer back to John Freeman.

'Because you are headcrab zombie'so John Freeman shot the oficer in the head and drove off thinking'my brother is in trouble there' and went faster.

John Freeman had to go faster like thespeed of sound and got there fast because Gordon needed him where hewas. John Freeman looked at road signs and saw 'Ravenholm'with someons writing under it saying 'u shudnt come here'so John Freeman almost turned around but heard screaming like Gordonso he went faster again.

John Freeman drove in and did anotherflip n jumped off his motorbike and the motor bike took out someheadcrab zombies infront of John Freeman. John Freeman smiled andwalked fast. John Freeman then looked on the ground and found weponso he pickd it up and fired fast at zombie goasts in front of ahouse.

John Freeman said 'Zombie goastsleave this place' and the zombie goasts said 'but this isour house' and John Freeman felt sorry for them becaus theycouldnt live there anymore because they were zombie goasts so he blewup the house and killed the zombie goasts so they were at piece.

Then John Freeman herd another screamfrom his brother so he kept walking really faster to get where hewas. Ravenholdm was nothing like the countrysides there was no birdssinging and the pants were dead and teh dirt was messy and bloodyfrom headcrabs.

Lab Coat Amazon

When John Freeman got to where thescreaming was started from he found his brother Gorden Freemanfightin the final bosss and Gordon said 'John Freeman! Overhere!' so John Freeman went there to where Gordon Freeman wasfighting. John Freeman fired his bullet from teh gun really fast andthe bullets went and shot the final boss in the eyes and the finalboss couldnt see.

Gordon Freeman said 'its time toend this ones and for all!' and punched the final boss in theface and the final boss fell. John Freeman said 'thanks i couldhelp, bro' and Gordon Freeman said 'you should come hereearlier next time' and they laughed.

The laughed overed quickly thoughbecause John Freeman yelled 'LOOK OUT BRO!' and pointed upto the top of the sky. Gordon Freeman looked up and said 'NOO!John Freeman run out of here fast as you can!' and John Freemanwalked real fast out.

John Freeman loked back and saw Gordonget steppd on by the next boss and he was mad and angry.

FreemanGordon Freeman Lab Coat

'I'll get you back evil boss!'John Freeman yelled at the top of lungs.

Gordon Freeman Age

to be continued..?

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